Boardman Ohio

Boardman Ohio

Located in the Mahoning Valley, Boardman was first founded by Elijah Boardman and quickly became a farming community with many apple orchards. The town flourished from around 1900 to about 1920 when it gained popularity as a destination for horse racing enthusiasts thanks to Southern Park on Washington Boulevard just outside of Youngstown. Garage door repair in Boardman by Brand Garage Doors is a featured as a premier Boardman business.

Boardman’s location is 41°2′20″N 80°39′55″W. The United States Census Bureau says Boardman Ohio has a total area of 15.3 square miles, with 39.6 km² land and 0.4 km² water for an average 1/5th ratio (or just under 20%).

Boardman OhioThe average American household includes 1.8 children, while 29% of households have no kids at all! 20% are married couples and 50% are single people living alone or with a roommate.

The population in the CDP is a diverse group, with 20.7% under 18 years old and 7.9% from 18-24, 26.3% between 25-44 year olds, 24.8 of 45 to 64 year olds and finally 20%. The median age was 43 for females as well as males which meant 84.9 men per 100 women over eighteen along side 88 males per 100 female aged eighteen or older.

The median income for a household in the CDP was $40,935 and that of family was about $52,709. The males had like higher incomes than females with or without children (Males: Median Income – 39,826; Females: 25,575). Most families are doing well but not everyone is so lucky as 5% live below the poverty line including 6.6% under 18 years old and 5.2% over 65 years old who may have retired early to avoid bankruptcy due to living expenses on their fixed fees.

Edward DeBartolo Sr. was a shopping mall developer who established his company in Boardman, Ohio. That’s right—Boardman Plaza on U.S Route 224 (west of Market Street) was one of the first strip malls in the country! Established by Ed Sr., The plaza had three full-service grocery stores within a few hundred feet from each other at its start and today you have to travel 3 miles or more for that same food service…

The first Arby’s opened in Boardman, Ohio on Route 224. The original store had the distinctive round roof architecture which remains open as a bird seed shop with new stores across the street and internationally known now for their unique menu items like roast beef sandwiches that are always fresh!

The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, one of the great steel makers in the country, opened a modern new suburban headquarters that is right across Market Street from what was once the DeBartolo Corporation.

Located in the heart of Youngstown, Ohio is a sprawling campus that once belonged to one of this country’s largest steel producers. Now home to many medical offices and businesses alike, it appears as though someone has flipped through pages from an old story book with their eyes closed when looking at all these buildings clustered together; they’re so different yet oddly similar like siblings on Opposite Day.

The Boardman area is a bustling community with many chain restaurants, and it’s one of the main shopping centers in Eastern Ohio. It has been popular lately among locals because there are so many different types of shops to visit for just about anything – from clothes, shoes and jewelry to home furnishings or electronics. With its new movie theater complex opening next month, who knows what else might be coming!


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